针对带有“Verified Purchase”(已验证购买)标识的差评,这是正常用户的评价,卖家需要主动与买家沟通,了解问题并提出解决方案,如退款或换货。沟通中切勿直接要求买家删除差评,以免触犯亚马逊的政策规则。
对于未带有“Verified Purchase”标识的恶意差评,可以通过联系客服开Case处理。卖家需提供以下证据:
- 差评截图
- 订单及买家资料截图
- 详细说明该差评与产品不符的原因
通过后台路径**“帮助 > 获取支持 > 商品评论”**提交Case,并按要求上传相关证据。
Dear Amazon Team,
I have recently come across a customer review for our product that appears to be unverified. Upon thorough investigation of all our orders, I was unable to locate this particular transaction. This suggests that the reviewer has never actually purchased or used our product. Consequently, the review does not reflect an honest opinion based on personal experience.
Such a review is not only unfair to us but also potentially misleading to other customers. It is a malicious act that could adversely affect our reputation and the decision-making process of prospective buyers.
I kindly request that you review this matter and assist in the removal of this unjust review from our product page. Your prompt attention to this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Best Regards
Dear review-appeals group,
This is my shop:
This is my brand:
This is my seller email:
I am writing this letter because I have recently received malicious comments and would like the Comment Complaint Team to help me investigate and remove these false comments of unfair commercial competition, thank you very much! Below are the evidence and screenshots I provided.
ASIN of the product:
Title of the review: I would give 0 if possible
The name of the reviewer: Diane
A number of reviews and negative reviews post by this buyer account:
15 review, 13 negative review
The date of the review as it appears on our website: September 24, 2023
1. Diane review has no real purchase, None of them has a Verified Purchase.
2. Diane reviews are ofen updated several times a day. Heusually gives diferent products and diferent negativereviews within a day,which is not in line with normalreviews.
3. All of the reviews are negative reviews and post by thatbuyer account. Only the last few days have been updatedwith positive reviews, and the updates have been verintensive.
4. I sold this product on September 16 and Diane reviewed it on September 24, just one week afer maliciously smearingmy product without going through with the purchase.
Best Regards